Discover That You are All-Powerless in Comparison to God

The greatest worship for a human being in this universe is to know that he is on the last extent of being powerless, while God is on the highest extent of being powerful. The one who is able to do this will get Paradise.

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What is the greatest deed a human being can do? What is the greatest human quality? A human being is the only creature in the universe who makes the other extent in comparison to God. God is all powerful and humans are all powerless. Only human beings can realize this. Everything in the universe, be it grass, mountains, planets, stars, are all powerless. They are all helpless. God is all powerful and everything else is helpless. But none of these things know about their helplessness. The Himalayas don’t know that they are helpless. Stars, planets and solar system don’t know that they are helpless. None of these objects consciously know about this. A human being is the only creature who consciously discovers that God is all-powerful and I am totally helpless before Him. To consciously know about this and realize this is only possible for humans. The greatest worship for a human being in this universe is to know that he is on the last extent of being powerless, while God is on the highest extent of being powerful. The one who is able to do this will get Paradise.

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